Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

My sister and I spent our lovely Easter weekend visiting our parents in Paso Robles. It was fun, and the weather was perfect--Mediterranean type weather--which I love. On this trip we had a little surprise waiting for us. Actually, it wasn't for us per say but it surprised us nonetheless.

Sitting in my parent's driveway was a Mercedes SLK (my father wanted a toy). He's been a Ford man most of his life so it threw me for a loop, and it's a convertible no less, but I'm glad he did it. It's pretty cool to see my Dad throw caution to the wind, and do something spontaneous. Good for you Dad. :-)

In addition to all the excitement around the car, I also got to see their new terrace that's partially made of railroad ties (very cool!). I love the fact they incorporated old railroad ties for aesthetic, while being green. Who says you can't mix beauty and green together? My parents are awesome!

On my ride back to the Bay Area, I coordinated a pick-up of a vintage highboy dresser I found on Craigslist. It was listed for $80 but they accepted my counteroffer of $30, which really made my day. Here's a sneak peek of it; this is the original picture the past owner posted on CL. I'll take a few pictures (body shots) tomorrow. I figure I'll refinish it in natural or antique white, we'll see. Let me know what you guys think? Was it worth $30 or no?

Today was a great but long day; I'm looking forward to my bed. (Zzzzz) Before I end the night I'd like to add how thankful I am for the resurrection of Jesus, and the forgiveness of my sins. Without him I am nothing. This is what Easter truly means to me.

On a comical note, I wanted to share this cute Easter commercial by Walmart called, "The Hunt."

Be well, be blessed, and good night. :-)

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