Thursday, April 28, 2011

Creative Garden Planters

With the warmer weather settling in I'm anxious to start gardening. I'm picturing a small urban garden with a few vegetables and flowers--and visiting bees and birds to enjoy it with me. If I had the space, let alone a yard, I'd have a lavish garden; however, I live in an apartment with a small patio which makes gardening a challenge. So I'm looking for creative solutions that will make my gardening dreams come true. Here are some that I found and fell in love with:

I love their use of woven wood planters here. They look like beautiful baskets and add a nice rustic charm.

If you're short on space, like me, this rack could be a great solution. I love its simple design. I found this at along with a few others- located in Italy!

This cute, red plant stand caught my eye, and had to add it to the list.

I love the architectural shape of this pyramid planter. I could see two of these overflowing with flowers, flanking my garden bench.

A planter stand carrying four individual compartments. Makes it easier to add and remove plants when you want without disturbing the neighboring plants.

If you're on the go and need your plants to be too, just add wheels.

I really like the industrial look of galvanized steel, it goes well with the wood.

A creative way to use cinder blocks; 12 blocks and liquid nails to hold them together.

A room divider but also a bean planter. Of course, I'd replace the electrical cord and put a strip of solar panel on top. ;-)

Planters for the wall. Don't they look like art? Love them.

I love this vintage stroller. The green colors contrast beautifully against the white wall, and the subtle white on the rims.

I always see clamp lamps in thrift stores. I'll never look at them the same way again. What a great idea.

I love the look of this old, worn boot as a planter. For some reason it makes me think of garden gnomes. Lol.

I'm scooping up the next shoe organizer I see on Craigslist. I see these under the "free" section a lot.

Have some ideas to share?

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