Sunday, May 22, 2011

Re-purposing a Damaged Quilt

There's something about a quilt that comforts the soul; its history, charm and aesthetic warmth--they're the feeling of home (even if you didn't grow up with one).  They're happy, playful, and like people, perfectly imperfect.

I enjoy one best on a cold day--wrapped up snugly warm, reading a book, and sipping hot cocoa.

I'm envious of those who can make them, and even more so of the recipients of these fantastic works of art.  To me, there's nothing better than a quilt that's made from love--by Nana, Mom or an Aunt.

So what do you when your favorite quilt is on its last leg of life?  Because it looks more like scrap material than a quilt.

Well, if it can't be repaired, and you're on the verge of throwing it out, then RE-PURPOSE.  By re-purposing your quilt, you're giving it new life, modernizing it, and keeping its sentimental value.  Just look at these cute rosettes made from the scrap quilt material above.

Throw pillows are a great use of quilt material, and super functional.  What a great way to remember Grandma.

I love this quilt banner I found on Etsy.  I could see this at a tea party.

A Christmas Stocking made from love.

Along with the Christmas theme, ornaments.  How cute are these!

When I was a child, my grandmothers (Nana & Nana Lou) made me stuffed animals.  I have fond memories playing with them.  Although they weren't this wild, here's a Japanese quilt stuffed animal for ideas.

Here are a few pictures of my old quilt, bought two years ago from a thrift store.  Unfortunately, half of it is ripped and missing (bought it this way with the intention of framing for art).

It is the same quilt. One area has more pinks and purples, while the other has browns and greens.  I want to kick myself for waiting so long to do this project, it literally took me about 5 minutes to create these this morning.  They're not too shabby if I say so myself...but then again, I love shabby chic so that would be good too.  A full two years later, here's the framed art. 

I think they would look darling in a child's room...inspiration below.

For now, they're going into our home office.  With all the left-over scrap quilt material, I'll be making more for my store.

Have any quilt recycling ideas?  Feel free to share. :-)

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